Syed Aoun Ali

Entrepreneurial PhD
PhD: Investigation of nanoparticle treatments to the brain

Aoun is currently enrolled in a PhD program at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN). His research project is about the use of nanomedicine against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. He has been awarded The University of Queensland (UQ) Earmarked Scholarship to support his PhD. 
Prior to joining The University of Queensland, Aoun received an Australian Commonwealth and Research Training Program scholarship to pursue MPhil in clinical sciences from the Queensland University of Technology. He has also been awarded Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Scholarship twice for attending medical research school and conducting clinical research within human genetics in Germany and a Fulbright undergraduate scholarship during his Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) at Troy University, USA.

Aoun aims to bridge clinical research with fundamental science through translational research and to orient the lab discoveries for industrial market. Accordingly, his PhD research work focuses on amyloid science by modulating protein-protein interactions using Nanotechnology. He aims to improve the health and quality of life of thousands of people effecting by Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Recently Aoun has been awarded AIBN entrepreneurial scholarship. He is enthusiastic to be a part of UQ Liveris Academy which will enable him to develop entrepreneurial skills and industrial partnerships, through his PhD journey and beyond. Apart from science and research, Aoun likes travelling, spending time in Art galleries and Museums and sometimes one can find him in the countryside horse riding.

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